Archive for the ‘ Jorge Candeias ’ Category

Beyond the Cradle proudly presents…

The Beyond the Cradle adventure has barely left the launch pad but the great news keep on arriving to the mission control… 

If you have followed the Kepler related posts in the past days you know already one of the mission’s Co-Investigator, Jon Jenkins, who, through his words, was able to transmit us all the emotions that someone, working closely to the mission, experiences. 

Jon, who came to work for the SETI Institute in 1992 is considered nowadays, by NASA, with his crew, the “dream team” of data analysis. As stated on the Agency’s website Jenkins is anxiously waiting for the moment where data from the the mission will arrive and, consequently, get to be analyzed. That is when, according to his words “All of the magic will happen in the data processing facility. That is where pixels will turn into planets,” furthermore he adds “It’s like getting new prescription glasses. We’ll get to see things we have never seen before.”    

Well, Jon Jenkins just embarked on BtC’s vessel and you will be able to read his passionate speech on the days to come, being it about groundbreaking mission as Kepler is or about other space related themes.

I’ll leave you with his acceptance words… 

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