Archive for August, 2010

Happy LXXX Neil!

On this same day, year 1930, Neil Armstrong, American astronaut, the first human to set foot on another astronomical body, was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio.

Aim and shoot!

Kepler mission has a new challenge for us Earthlings:

“Kepler saw its first light on 04.08, year 2009. As some of you may recall, there are an estimated 4.5 million stars in that image, more than 150,000 of which were selected as ideal candidates for planet hunting — a true “treasure trove of stars” as William Borucki, science principal investigator for Kepler, described it.
Now, for the sake of palindromes, on 08.04, year 2010, that’s…well…today, we want to see y-o-u-r first light.
What’s the deal? As you wake up and open your eyes, grab a camera and get a snapshot of your first glimpses of that alien world of ours and share it with us in this album. Are you in? We are.”

Aim and shoot!